MetaBall Part 01
This post explores the use of Grasshopper’s MetaBall(t) component to produce diagrams. Metaballs are organic-looking n-dimensional isosurfaces, characterised by their ability to meld together when in close proximity to create single, contiguous objects.
MetaBall Part 01 does not require any additional plug-ins for GH. I’m using Rhino 6 and the model units are in mm.
Let’s get started!
Step 00:
The script requires two things to be done in Rhino before moving to GH:
A rough boundary of the area that the MetaBall will be placed inside
A series of points that function as “focal points” to the script
Let’s start by drawing a rectangle 2000 mm long and 1000 mm wide from the Top view (on the xy plane) . The boundary does not need to be a rectangle and can be any type of closed curve. Then place the boundary curve inside a layer called: Crv - Boundary
We also need to draw a series of points that drive the definition. Not all of these points need to be placed inside the boundary curve. Then we place these points inside a layer called: Pt - Focal Point